Malvern Town Council’s annual Mayor’s Bonanza in aid of Heartstart will return for 2024 taking place at Victoria Park, Malvern Link on Sunday 25th August from 12 noon until 5:00pm.

During the event Victoria Park will be filled with activities, food stalls, and live entertainment, with the official opening of the new Community Hub scheduled for 11:30am. The Community Hub which will serve as new home of Malvern Town Council offices with its primary use to provide a space for the community of Malvern to gather. Initial construction was completed earlier this month, and the hub will feature a multi-use model including a community meeting space available for hire, a café set to open later this year and office space for Malvern Town Council.

The Mayor’s Bonanza aims to raise money for Heartstart Malvern, one of Mayor Marilyn Birks chosen charities for the year to support their mission of increasing the chance of surviving an out of hospital cardiac arrest. They are doing by using volunteers to train members of the public in basic resuscitation techniques and placing public access defibrillators throughout Malvern.

The Mayor’s Bonanza is free for people to attend.

Malvern Town Council is seeking a reliable and flexible caretaker for the new community hub at Victoria Park.  Duties involve:

  • Opening and closing the building
  • Assistance with room hire
  • Basic cleaning duties as required

Approximately 10-15 hours per week

For more details, please contact

Linda Blake, Town Clerk

01684 566667

Three “Happy to Chat” benches have been installed by Malvern Town Council, following an idea championed by Cllr Julie MacLusky and then supported by other town councillors at a meeting of Council.

A new initiative within Malvern, “Happy to Chat” benches have been introduced in Rose Bank Gardens, Victoria Park and in Station Gardens and follow an idea adopted not only across Britain but also in the United States, Canada, Australia, Switzerland and Ukraine.

The benches are identified by a colourful plaque which says, “Sit here if you don’t mind someone stopping to say hello”. How often do you see someone sat on their own in a park? Do they want to chat? Do they want to be left alone? Have they spoken to anyone else on that particular day? “Happy to Chat” benches provide a simple way of letting other people know that you are open to a chat and if the idea proves successful then the Council will consider adding benches on other town council land.

Cllr Julie Maclusky proposer of the motion said, “Councillors will be aware of publicity about the health risks of loneliness, and I believe that our “Happy to Chat” benches could play a small but very significant role in alleviating loneliness, and improving social connection and interaction, amongst the residents of Malvern, I believe that many people could benefit from a random hello and chat.

Cllrs Julie MacLusky (Upper Howsell ward) and Cllr David Watkins (Link ward) “having a chat”!

In his Mayoral year, Cllr Nick Houghton raised over £10,000 to pay for naming and training a guide dog pup. Here is the most recent report on Nessa’s progress.

After many years of planning, Malvern Town Council is pleased to announce that works to build the new community hub are now well underway at Victoria Park. Building work will bring with it a small amount of disruption but we hope that park users will bear with us as the final building should bring facilities that can be used by all sectors of the community.


How long will the building works take?

Groundworks began on Monday 12 February, with the six modules making up the new building being lifted into place on 5 March. Contractors are now working on site to complete the internal and external fittings of the new building and this will be followed by landscaping works. It is anticipated that all works will be completed by mid-June.

Why have there been changes to the play area?

The rearrangement of certain play equipment has been required to allow the building works to take place safely. Two pieces of ageing equipment, which were nearing the end of their life have been removed and the zip wire has been moved so that it can continue to be used. A new toddler swing set will be installed once building works have finished and a full scale refurbishment of this key play area is planned for 2025/26.

What about the skateboard park?

Due to the positioning of the new building, its footprint will encroach into the area of the current skateboard park. Therefore the ramps have been moved and will remain out of use for the period of building works.

The good news is that there are firm plans to refurbish and upgrade the skateboard park facilities and a public consultation on what facilities are required is currently open, have your say by clicking this link

Will building works disrupt other park users?

The disruption from building works will be kept to the minimum level possible. Car parking spaces on the car park nearest to Victoria Park Road will be restricted with space immediately next to the old pavilion area closed off for site management purposes.

Is the new building just for the Town Council offices?

No, the Town Council offices will occupy a small part of the new building but it will also include:

  • a cafe with indoor and outdoor seating
  • public toilets
  • a community meeting room
  • sports lockers
  • an area to obtain information and assistance on Town Council services

In his Mayoral year, Cllr Nick Houghton raised over £10,000 to pay for naming and training a guide dog pup. Here is a recent report on Nessa’s progress.

We are delighted to announce that the winner of this year’s wreath competition is Iapetus. The entries this year were fantastic, however the LION head, made from foam clay, won the Mayor over in the judging and he awarded first prize to the gallery.

Thank you to all the traders that took part in this year’s wreath competition, it is great that traders continue to support the town in making it look very Christmassy!

Malvern Town Council support Malvern Salvation Army annually by donating Festive Cheer Bags to families who are struggling at Christmas.

What started as a campaign during Covid-19 has carried on, through public donations and donations from Councillors, as well as support from local supermarkets in previous years.

On Monday 18 December, 60 bags were delivered to Malvern Salvation Army for youngsters and young adults – in their festive bag this year were much needed hygiene products such as shampoos and body sprays etc, as well as a family game and chocolates.

The Malvern yarn bombers and knitting groups also contribute to this campaign by knitting angels for the bags.

Thank you for all the support for this campaign.

Improvement works to the entranceway bed just inside the gates of Rosebank Gardens have been taking place recently, with the bed being dug out, refilled with new soil, and planted with approximately 80 new Precious Amber, bare-rooted roses.  There are a few more roses still to be planted, but when finished, these will provide a wonderful display of colour.

Planting changes are always carefully considered.  This bed has, for many years put on a wonderful display of peach-coloured roses, but these plants were looking tired, had been affected by mildew and were requiring quite a lot of individual care.  The old roses have now been given away to good homes and replaced with ones more suited to the environment within the gardens.  The ability of these new roses to withstand temperature changes and just keep growing mean that they are the right plant in the right place.  This is a definite bonus for the multiple visiting insects, as their food source stays intact.  Our gardeners in Rose Bank Gardens have seen a mix of bees, ladybirds, beetles, spiders, hoover flies, butterflies, wasps, and a grasshopper all in this area.